Self-Improvement Thru Self -Assessment

Knowing What to Change

Human and Organizational Understanding and Development

A person is sometimes able to change himself or herself if he or she knows what is causing

him or her difficulties in living. To help with identifying health, relational, attitudinal,

belief, behavioral, and cognitive changes to consider, I put together four

self-assessment instruments:

Health Symptoms Assessment

Assessment of Family Interaction

Resilience – Hardiness – Differentiation

Mental Health Items to Consider

These assessments were not developed for diagnostic or research purposes

that have group statistical properties. They are intended for guidance to individuals.

Therefore, no claims are made for reliability or validity.

Nevertheless, to develop these instruments

I surveyed many reliable and valid questionnaires

that classify people according to personality, diagnosis,

behavior, thoughts, beliefs, or theories.

Items are direct, stand alone, and not abstract.

Their purpose is for your own self-assessment and feedback.

Answers are for personal edification.